Tuesday, 29 July 2008

As A Woman, Know All About Pregnancy, The Pride Of Every Woman!

Pregnancy starts right from the time a woman conceives to the time she delivers her child.The first indication of pregnancy is usually a 'missed period'.Yet, if a woman misses her period, she should wait for at least ten to fourteen days before seeing her doctor.

Cramps are normal sign of the early stage of pregnancy.A feeling of nausea and physical illness referred to as 'morning sickness' (but, in actual fact, this can occur at any time of the day) it is quite normal.The breasts may tingle or feel tender.The nipples may appear darker and more prominent.The feeling of tiredness and the need to sleep more also arise.Because the enlarging uterus (womb) presses on the bladder, you may need to urinate more often.

Feelings of dizziness and fainting are also not uncommon.Whenever you feel dizzy or think you are going to faint, lie down, so you do not fall and injure yourself and the foetus.Usually, most of the feelings disappear toward the end of the third month.However, it is very important to register with a clinic for proper antenatal care.

An abnormal condition that may arise during pregnancy includes pre-eclampsia.This is a high blood pressure condition.It is usually associated with the swelling of the hands, feet and ancles and a sudden abnormal increase in weight.Bleeding or spotting is a possible occurrence in early pregnancy.(Note that it is possible to bleed quite heavily and not miscarry or have any harm done to the baby).Notwithstanding, any bleeding at any time in pregnancy should be reported to your doctor immediately.Ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilised egg is planted and grows in one of the fallopian tubes instead of the uterus.

Symptoms include pain in the lower side of the abdomen, vaginal bleeding and fainting.If you experience any of these symptoms, see your doctor immediately.Conditions or diseases like diabetes, thyroid disorders, fibroids and excessive weight gain or loss may not encourage pregnancy.

In later regnancy, prblems like heartburn, insomnia, tiredness, backache are also possile.Physically, the abdomen protrudes to an almost incredible capacity.Stretchmarks may appear on the abdomen, thighs and legs.The breasts at thi point are fuller and lumpy.The nipples may or ay not produce a yellowish fluid.It is also normal to have strech-marks in the skin of the breast.Facial discolouration my also occur.

All you need to do is keep your appointment with your doctor, get plenty of rest ad eat well balanced meal each day.Minimise or avoid the intake of junk foods like white flour snacks.Avoid drinks like coffee and chocolate.Drink more diluted fruit juices instead.Good hygiene is very important during your pregnancy.As your pregnancy advances, you will find tight-fitting dresses uncomfortable.At this stage, you are advised to wear bigger and loosed-sized dresses.

It is often said that Pregnancy is the Pride of every woman.Therefore, every woman must avoid anything that will hinder her from becoming pregnant.

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